Motorsport post Covid-19

With the current world climate being dominated by Covid-19, where does this leave the motorsport industry?

Events have been postponed, some even cancelled, people left out of pocket and fans left wanting. The sudden rise of online motorsport events has given a small glimpse of hope for people and maybe a look into what the future may hold. But is there anything better than the smell, noise and atmosphere of being at a live event, surrounded by like minded people watching the action unfold in front of your eyes, having to wait until the cars pass you again to try and see who’s over taken who.

Having been attending motorsport events for the last 20 years I truly miss not being able to be there in the flesh and soak it all up, the atmosphere at a live event can’t be recreated online or watching virtual racing. Having attended the Nurburgring 24hr race many times over the years, I know how important the crowd and presence of people are to the race drivers and teams, how they thrive on the noise, lights and music that are created by the spectators track side, how a little bit of extra magic is created by it all.

My mind fills with the thought of the cars currently all tucked up in storage just waiting to be driven as they were intended to be, being run up to temperature and idled to lubricate components, pressures and levels being checked, being sat in and willed to be driven. The hours and hours of preparation that goes into the building and maintenance of a race/track car is a true labour of love.

It feels like everything has been put on hold, that everyone is waiting for the right moment to be allowed to partake in the sport they love so much.

Race teams are testing again, track day events have just started to be reintroduced and are selling out at an unprecedented rate, travel to Europe is slowly easing and events further afield are finally in site once more.

Covid-19 has changed the face of motorsport, only time will tell what the future really holds…

sam dean