Motorsport post Covid-19

With the current world climate being dominated by Covid-19, where does this leave the motorsport industry?

Events have been postponed, some even cancelled, people left out of pocket and fans left wanting. The sudden rise of online motorsport events has given a small glimpse of hope for people and maybe a look into what the future may hold. But is there anything better than the smell, noise and atmosphere of being at a live event, surrounded by like minded people watching the action unfold in front of your eyes, having to wait until the cars pass you again to try and see who’s over taken who.

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sam dean
Cars, an investment for the future

Investing in cars has become a valuable asset to people’s portfolios, being a non-depreciating asset it has seen a huge rise in the collection of vehicles of all makes and values, what seems cheap now could one day be worth a pretty penny.

Have you ever looked back through the cars of your youth and thought to yourself, ‘I wish I’d kept that car’? We certainly have; a series one RS turbo, Mark 1 Golf GTI and Renault 5 GT Turbo come to mind. For example, the series one RS Turbo was purchased for a grand price of £1000 and is now worth upwards of £15000. Quite the investment, had we thought ahead, that would definitely have been one to put into storage for a few years.

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sam dean
How much should car storage cost?

As with anything in life, you get what you pay for! The cost of car storage depends entirely on what you are looking for. But at Lynx Car Storage, you can rest assured that you will get a top of the range experience at an affordable price.

Paying for high quality, climate controlled, car storage rather than scrimping and paying for a budget option will ultimately save you money in the long run given the damage that poor quality storage can do to your car, especially in the Winter months. Some other facilities will charge extra for things such as a battery conditioner or Tax and MOT reminders, however we like to keep our pricing simple and these extra benefits are included in our cost.

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